Justice, family and child are very different concepts, which over time have intertwined to create a maze difficult to understand.
To talk about this trouble, the Doctor of Law, María de la Válgoma has written a book entitled "Parents without rights, children without duties". In it, María says, among other things, that in past, Law was designed for adults. In fact, --she says--, she was surprised, when she investigated and found that children never had rights, before 1989, when was celebrated the Child Rights Convention, adopted by all countries of the world except Somalia and the United States.
Maria also says, in her book, that she is not get along with the Convention, where it was declared that is child everybody less than 18 years old; but María thinks that it is not the same a child two years old than a boy 17 years old. For example, she says that we can not think of freedom of expression for a child 2 years old; but a boy or a girl 16 or 17 years old has the right of freedom of expression.

"Niños en Fuente", by Lombino, at flickr.com
María also says that it is a pity but, in the last years have increased the demands from parents against children. And she says that the principle of authority is missing; but children need authority.
Children may have rights but also has to accept some duties.
Till soon, kind regards,
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