The World Network Friendly Cities with Older People aims to promote active aging by optimizing participation, improved health conditions and increased security environments in order to improve the quality of life of the elderly.
These are the Friendly cities in Spain:
Zaragoza (Aragón), Santander (Cantabria), Barcelona / Manresa and Vic (Cataluña), Liria (Valencia), Almendralejo / Mata de Alcántara / Mérida and Oliva de la Frontera (Extremadura), Bilbao / San Sebastián and Vitoria (Euskadi), Orense (Galice), Tres Cantos and Las Rozas (Madrid).
Friendly Cities Program with Older People is an international project to help cities prepare for two global demographic trends: the rapid aging of the population and increasing urbanization. The program is aimed at environmental, social and economic factors that influence health and well-being of older people.

"Jugando a la petanca en Fortuna", Fortuna, Murcia, East of Spain, by Rafael Gomez Montoya, at
In 2006, the World Health Organization brought together 33 cities in 22 countries on a project to identify the main elements of the urban environment that facilitate healthy aging. The result was the publication Global cities age-friendly: A Guide in establishing the framework for assessing adaptation of cities to the needs of the elderly. Central to the process was to have the active participation of those people.
The guide identifies eight domains of city life that can affect the health and quality of life of older people:
Outdoor spaces and buildings.
Social participation.
Respect and social integration.
Civic participation and employment.
Communication and information, and
Community support and health services.
To take advantage of the great interest generated by this program, WHO has created the Global Friendly Cities Older Persons, that:
It shall establish relations between participating cities and among them and the WHO.
It shall facilitate the exchange of information and best practices.
It shall encourage appropriate interventions, sustainable and cost effective to improve the lives of older people.
It shall provide technical support and training.
I think that seems to be a very interesting project, that I did not know, till today.I like older people, because they have a great experience of Live, for teaching us, younger people.Therefore, I think that they deserve much respect.
Till soon, kind regards,
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