The “Social coin” is a way of exchange.It is there, when we talk about buy and sell.
The social coin is an alternative to the Economy that we know
"monedas!", by (MGM), at
There are several ways to show the social coin: for example with a paper, where we write the price of a thing or a service.
Another way is to write it in a computer.
Normally, it is used in a local area. For example in the district of London, Bristol. They are agree to use that coin as if it was a Pound.It shows that this system favors the local economy.
In Spain, there are several cases with this system.For example, in Villarreal (Castellon, East of Spain), they use a bond, that combines social currency with banks of time.So, you can combine hours of work, for other people or use the social coin.
Also, in the Palma island, there is a social currency, named “Drago”. They want to extend this coin to all the Canary Islands, in order to protect the economy in those islands. And so, they think they can create employment. Then, they have created the named “Drago Bank”. As it is a combination among social coin and Bank of Time, each person who entere in that system of computer, receive 5 hours and 2000 “Dragos”.
![Puesta de sol en La Palma](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/blog-posts/e4e43e734ce34f96a72a15160f586939.jpg)
"Puesta de sol en La Palma", La Palma Island, Canarias Islands, South of Spain, by perlaroques, at
Another village, in the Canarian Islands, La Isleta (Gran Canaria), has another similar system, created by the Assembly of the “15 M”, that use the social coin named “Demos”, in order that everyone who can not cover its needs, can do it with this system.
By another side, in Valencia (East of Spain), the Foundation “Red Sostenible y Creativa” launched in late 2010 the project "Suns".So is named the social coin that is already used in three neighborhoods of Valencia.With this system, many people is abble to be helped; for example, someone can live is a house, given thanks to the “Suns”.With this system, many people is connected among them.This system favors the “Pay it forward”.
![valencia 193](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/blog-posts/26cf653ff80a451c9c6abff014b21815.jpg)
"valencia 193", Valencia, east of Spain, by ho visto nina volare, at
It seems to be very interesting; is not it?.
Till soon, kind regards,
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