First of all, we can talk about the expression: “De la Zeca a la Meca”.”Zeca” comes from the word “Sica”, that means: “House of Coin”, where coins are made.
And Meca is a holy place, as the Vatican.
In Spain, we use this expression, when we mean that somebody is doing many things or going to many places –in order to buy or to carry on some things…--.
Another word so used is: “Guita”.It is the string that you put around a bag (to tie a bag) for money.It is used in America and this expression has come to Spain many years ago.
Another word that means money is: “Plata”.It also comes from America, because there, many years ago, they did not use coins, but they weighed metals, as money.Then, as there was a lot of silver, they used that metal as coins.Therefore, the area around the silver river is named so:”Silver river”, because there was a lot of silver in that area.
Another word used as money, is: “Lana”.It is so used in Mexico.An explanation is that there was a lot of wool in Castilla (middle of Spain), where this material was much appreciated; then, in times of conquer it should be very appreciated, as sign of wealth.Then, to have wool should be to have an important economic power.
In America is also used: “Mosca” (Fly) and “Vaca” (Cow).But they have not come to Spain –or, at least, I have never listened them--.
Also, the word: “Pecunia” comes from the Latin word: Pecus, that means “Cattle” –it was used as way to pay, with cows, for example--.And, from “Pecunia”, comes the word, so used in Spain, “Peculiar”, that means it is own of a person --you know a person through its cattle, for example--.
Another word used in Spain, is: “Parné”; it is a word comes from the Spanish language “Caló”, used by a limited community in Spain (the Gypsy community).
The most known word, “Moneda”, comes from the Latin word “Moneta”, that was the nickname for the god “Juno”, in Rome.It is said that in Juno´s temples were made the coins, therefore, money was named “Moneta”, as Juno.You can see that “Money” is similar than “Moneda”.
Another expression used in Spain is: “4 perras”(“Four dogs”).It means that something cost few money, because, in the past, there were two type of coins, of 5 and 10 cents, that had a lyon on their face; but people though that the image was a femail dog instead of a lyon; therefore, tose coins were named “Perra gorda” (fat dog) and “Perra chica” (Little dog).
Another word for meoney is: “Peso”.This coin is used in eight countries of America and in Philippines; but this name comes from Spain, because here there was a monetary reform, in 1497, when was created a piece of “Real de 8” or “Duro””.Also, “Peseta” comes from “Peso”.

"Dinero, dinero, dinero", byGerard:, at
Another expression used in Spain, is: “Estar sin blanca” (“To be without white”) . “Blanca” (“White” feminine) was a coin used among the centuries XIV and XVII, in Spain.IAt the beginning, it was a coin made with silver, but with time it became to have less power, less value (with a mix among solver and cooper).
Probably you know some other words, even in English.
Till soon,
Kind regards,
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