Mijas was "rubbish" this christmas
Wednesday, January 11, 2012 @ 12:36 PM
Gosh its almost a year since I started this blog and instantly lost my internet conection...Well I'm back with a vengance so...........
This christmas the new incumbents at the town hall decided, in these times of austerity, to save funds by not putting up the usual illuminations. This might sound a bit bah-humbug but, in conjunction with the association of residents they hatched a very clever plan, it was rubbish!
It was decided that there would be a competition where various groups of residents would create their own trees in the streets around the village.
The town hall agreed to erect a skeleton structure for the participating groups to decorate, they also agreed to provide the power for each tree to be illuminated. It was also decided that there would be an underlying theme for all the displays to follow and that was rubbish!
Well to be more precise all the trees were to be made of recycled materials!
The results were quite astonishing!
The structure to be decorated could not have been more simpler; an old metal pole was bolted to the pavement in the streets of the participants, then a circle of welded metal was bolted to the floor around the pole, next wires were stretched from the circle on the ground to the top of the pole creating the required conical shape, the decorating party could now begin. For three evenings a mini fiesta of creativity and bon homm was enacted outside our window and this was the result:

This tree is made completely out of old plastic drink bottles threaded on to a wire and attached to the skeleton! One chap was inside the frame on a step ladder fixing the wires, when he got to the top he realised that he had left no room for him to exit and we spent a hilarious half an hour giggling as we watched him trying to squeeze out the bottom helped by his companions who were almost wetting themselves!

This one was made of old sacks screwed into flower shapes.
this next one was drink cans hand painted with the colours of the teams in the spanish league

To top it all the Tourist office created a 'Ruta de los Arboles', - route of the trees and for one euro you got a map of where the seventeen trees could be found. the proceeds went into the village food bank fund to help feed unemployed famalies
Joy in hard times x
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