Morroco to Mijas underneath a Coach..... INCREDIBLE!!!!
Thursday, January 19, 2012 @ 8:56 PM
Last Monday 16th January, A local Police control in Mijas Pueblo noticed a young boy sitting on the kerb in the Coach carpark behind the Town Hall. As the Youth was showing signs of distress they stopped to investigate.The Lad, who appeared to be about 12 Years old was shivering uncontrollably, his clothing was ragged and covered in oil and grease. They also noticed he had distinctive Arab characteristics.The officers tried to question him to no avail as he simply begged for food.
At this point a coach driver who had just dropped his group of tourists approached the local Police and began to explain that he had been touring the Tunis/ Morrocan area stopping at various destinations. He then added that he was stopped by immigration officials at the Spanish border where it was discovered that there was a group of Morrocan adults hiding underneath his coach. These men were then escorted back across the border.

The coach driver, from Jaen, enphasized to the Police that he sincerely believed the young boy was part of this group but had remained undiscovered. The lad was taken to the local police station where he was provided with hot drinks, food and clean, warm clothing.
The 12 year old was then taken to the center for homeless immigrants run by the Junta De Andalucia, as is the local policy. The Police officers involved expressed their absolute amazement at the strength and fortitued required to endure such a journey.
I am totally astonished at the length the North Africans will go to in order to escape the abject poverty of their own Countries.
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