Holy Week in Mijas
Thursday, April 12, 2012 @ 2:54 PM
The beginning of april brings holy week to Mijas, known as Samana Santa in spain. This event literally transforms the village as processions of elaborately decorated floats with Jesus and Mary statues are accompanied by groups of pointy-hood wearing Nazarenos, known as penitents.

they walk slowly through the streets to the sounds of shrill brass bands, parading from one parish church another, wafting huge clouds of acrid incense that burns in gold pots that are swung around on gold chains.
It is an amazing and emotional experience, and a great time to be in Mijas if you want to imbibe some deeply-held traditions that have less to do with religion than with social groupings and rituals. You will never see anything like it again! The atmosphere grips all in its path, you'll see gaggles of teenagers in ill-fitting trousers and risque caps, family groups and black widows all gaping in silenced amazement as the spectacle passes by.
It all starts with Palm Sunday when the palms are blessed in the chapel in the cave, the Image of Jesus on a donkey is carried around the village followed by palm wielding masses, depicting his triumphant entrance to Jerusalem.

Holy Tuesday brings the Procession of the Brotherhood of Jesus of Nazareth, from the San Sebastian Church to the Parish Church.
On Holy Wednesday see the Procession of the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Column, accompanied by the Municipal Band of Music (from the Barrio Santana Church).

Maundy Thursday is the celebration of the Last Supper and adoration of the Holy Sacrament in the Parish Church followed by the Procession of the Brotherhood of Jesus of Nazareth, Our Lady in Pain and Saint John the Baptist
Good Friday has a double billing with the Procession of the Brotherhood of Holy Christ of the Peace, Our Lady of Loneliness and Saint John the Evangelist, where an Image of Jesus hanging from the cross is accompanied by cornets and drums.

Later in the evening is the Procession of the Brotherhood of the Holy Burial and Our Lady of Loneliness and an Image of the dead Jesus!
On the Sunday the children take over and carry a miniature Jesus on a throne periodically raising it aloft to crise of "VIVA LA RESURRECTION" !!
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