The Churros
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Here's the ultimate recipe to make your own churros at home, just like they were at the churrería stands. Of course, the difference here is price. Here you can make a whole batch for what is cost for a few. Once you make the churros, you can make the authentic chocolate dip to dunk them in.
Ingredients: (Makes one platefull)
Vegetable or Olive Oil
1 cup water
1/2 cup margarine or butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup all-purpose flour
3 eggs
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)
Prepare to fry the churros by heating oil in a pan (1 to 1&1/2 inches) to 360 degrees F.
To make churro dough, heat water, margarine and salt to rolling boil in 3-quart saucepan; stir in flour. Stir vigorously over low heat until mixture forms a ball, about 1 minute; remove from heat. Beat eggs all at once; continue beating until smooth and then add to saucepan while stirring mixture.
Spoon mixture into cake decorators' tube with large star tip (like the kind use to decorate cakes). Squeeze 4-inch strips of dough into hot oil. Fry 3 or 4 strips at a time until golden brown, turning once, about 2 minutes on each side. Drain on paper towels. (Mix Sugar and the optional cinnamon); roll churros in sugar or dump the sugar on the pile of churros, like the pros. That churro taste will take you right back to your favorite summer days walking the paseos of Spain.
Note: REAL churros in Spain are made without cinnamon mixed with the sugar, but the cinnamon adds an extra nice flavor.
Chocolate for Churro Dunking
4oz dark chocolate, chopped
2 cups milk
1 tbsp cornstarch (also known as cornflour and is the powder that causes the thickening)
4 tbsp sugar
Place the chocolate and half the milk in a pan and heat, stirring, until the chocolate has melted. Dissolve the cornstarch in the remaining milk and whisk into the chocolate with the sugar. Cook on low heat, whisking constantly, until the chocolate is thickened, about five minutes. Add extra cornstarch if it doesn't start to thicken after 5 minutes. Remove and whisk smooth. Pour and server in cups or bowls for dunking churros. Do not pour over churros, but use the mix for dunking churros after every bite. Served warm.
Real Spanish Food Recipes -
Published at 7:39 PM Comments (0)
Rabo de toro cordobés
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Otra receta de Rabo de toro cordobés del Restaurante Puerta Sevilla, en el barrio de San Basilio (Córdoba) para "España en Directo". Se cocina en un patio típico cordobés.
Ingredientes: 2 rabos de toro, 4 tomates, 3 cebollas, 2 zanahorias, 4 dientes de ajo, vino blanco, laurel, pimentón dulce, pimienta negra y sal.
Preparación de la receta: ver el vídeo.
Ficha del vídeo:
Título: Rabo de toro a la cordobesa
Autor: Chef Pepe Sabaté del Restaurante Puerta Sevilla, en el barrio de San Basilio (Córdoba) en el Programa "España en Directo" de la mano de Roberto Leal (TVE1)
País: España
Fuente: Youtube
Published at 7:02 PM Comments (0)
Fabada Asturiana
Monday, February 16, 2009

Asturian Bean and Sausage Pot
Fabada, the worlds' most famous bean pot comes from the wild mountains of Asturias. The beans are flavoured with all the local specialities like lacón, which is the cured front leg of a pig and oak-smoked fresh sausages.
Salt pork or cured beef make good substitutes. Cured sausages also go in, and give an incredible richness to the flat, white, fava beans that constitute the base of the Fabada.
* Serves 6
* Difficulty: intermediate
* Preparation time: 3 hours
* 1 lb 10 oz dried butter beans (or faves)
* 1 1/2 lb salt pork belly (or salt brisket or silverside)
* 1 1/2 lb smoked gammon knuckle or hock, skin slashed
* 6 black peppercorns, crushed
* 1 teaspoon paprika
* 1 pinch of powdered saffron
* 1 bay leaf
* 2 tablespoon olive oil (optional)
* 4 garlic cloves, chopped
* 1 lb chorizos or smoked sausages
* 6 oz morcilla or black pudding
Choose a stockpot that holds at least 10 pint (6 liter). Cover the beans, in a bowl, with plenty of boiling water. Put the salt meat (pork belly, brisket or silverside and gammon bone) into the pot and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil, then drain the meat and return to the stockpot.
Drain the beans then add to the pot with the pepper-corns, paprika and saffron and bay leaf. Add 4 pints (2.3 liter) water. Bring slowly to the boil, then simmer very gently on minimum heat for 2 hours. A big pot on a small burner is best, and better still with a heat diffuser (such as the ones used to prepare paella). Check occasionally that the beans are still covered, but do not stir (or they will break up).
Remove the ham bone and salt pork, to cool a little. Strip off the skin and fat, and take about 2 tablespoons of chopped fat for frying (instead, we recommend using olive oli). Sweat this in a frying pan. Fry the garlic lightly, then spoon it into the beans.
Fry the sliced sausages and morcilla or black pudding (discarding artificial casings). Stir into the pot with the pan fat.
Remove all the meat from the gammon bone. Chop it, and the salt pork or beef, and return to the casserole; simmer for a few minutes. Check the seasonings (there should be enough salt from the meat). This dish is distinctly spicy, so fresh green cabbage goes well.
Published at 7:59 PM Comments (0)
Gazpacho Andaluz
Sunday, February 15, 2009
"Direct from Spain, this recipe is simple and delicious. For this recipe it is convenient to have a hand mixer with chopping blades, a food processor, or a blender. This gazpacho can be garnished with minced vegetables and parsley, or with a little crushed ice."

* 8 cups cold water
* 8 large tomatoes - peeled, seeded and chopped
* 1/4 cup minced onion
* 1 clove garlic, minced
* 1 cucumber, peeled and finely chopped
* 1 green bell pepper, minced
* 1 (1 pound) loaf stale French bread, cut into 1 inch cubes
* 1/4 cup olive oil
* 1/4 cup wine vinegar
* 1/8 tablespoon salt
1. Combine water, tomatoes, bread, and oil in a large stock pot. Set aside.
2. In a food processor or blender, blend onion, garlic, cucumber, and green pepper to a paste. Stir into the stock pot.
3. Using a hand mixer, blend until ingredients have a watery, pinkish consistency. Alternatively, process in a blender or food processor until smooth. Add vinegar, and season with salt.

Published at 10:17 AM Comments (0)
Fried anchovies
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ingredients for 4 people
-100 Grams of flour
-100 Ccs oil
-1500 Grams of anchovies
-1 Pinch of salt
Instructions for preparation:
Clean the anchovies and escurrir.Secarlos with a clean cloth and salarlos.Enharinarlos attaching them by the tail, each half a dozen, in the form of abanico.En a pan with hot oil, fry anchovies, taking care not to stick around with otros.Sacarlos aceite.Servir's very hot and freshly made.
Published at 2:35 PM Comments (1)
Valencian paella recipe
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Ingredients for 6 people
- 5 tablespoons olive oil
- 1.4 liters of water
- 425 grams of rice
- 1 ounce of azafránn
- 150 grams of rabbit
- 50 grams of artichokes
- 50 gram of broad beans
- 0.5 teaspoons of paprika
- 150 grams of chicken
- 3 tablespoons of tomato
Instructions for preparation:
Heat the oil in paella, and when it begins to smoke, it misses the rabbit and chicken pieces, dorándolos over medium heat.
Then, add the chopped vegetables and sauté for a couple of minutes.
Then, making a hole in the middle of the paellera, tomatoes and sauté is when it starts to darken, it misses the paprika, taking care not to burn.
He moves well and water is added to the edge of the paellera.
It is left to cook paella for 30 minutes, adjusting for salt.
Adds rice and saffron threads, taking care to spread well throughout the rice for paella, and let it boil a live fire until rice is within their broth point and evaporates completely.
Allow five minutes, covered by a cloth.
Published at 9:52 AM Comments (0)
Recipe for making potato omelette
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

1.Se Peel and wash the potatoes (it is estimated a large potato per person). Wafers are cut in the not too large.
2.Se fry potatoes in oil wealth. To make the omelet is very important that the potatoes are soft, not crisp. To this must be freírlas to fire low and in a covered skillet for about 10 minutes.
3.The a large container (such as a vegetable) are beating the eggs (an estimated one egg per person). It was pouring salt.
When the potatoes are soft, are taken out of the frying pan and drain oil. Then mix well with beaten eggs and let stand 5 minutes.
4.Mientras the mixture of eggs and potatoes lies, it stings half onion in very small pieces and fry with a little oil for 5 or 10 minutes. When ready, thrown into the mix.
5.With a deep fryer is a little miss 2 tablespoons of oil. When it is hot, it was pouring the mixture of potatoes, eggs and onion and fry over medium heat.
6.Después a couple of minutes in the pan will turn the tortilla (be careful here, do it in the air is difficult, if not, use a dish, is less elegant but more secure). It is desirable to throw a little more oil to the skillet when it turns around because if not, you can paste the tortilla. When the tortilla is made by the two sides, and you can eat.
Published at 9:05 AM Comments (4)
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