we explored Serón we found it to be the most amazing place, narrow streets with old and new buildings mixed with crumbling homes of yester year. The people always ready with a warm smile and the traditional two cheek kiss. As long as you greet them and smile at them, they do not care if you speak Spanish or not, as long as you try. However don't try and they will not bother with you ! They welcome and embrace you into the community with open arms if you make an effort. This my experience, although I do know it is not all the expat here have had this experience !
Seron dates back to prehistoric times with many artefacts found here. In fact a museum is being build and I am told a whole floor will be dedicated to these artefacts.
Seron had a church built in the 1700's which was declared a historic monument in 1983, it is well worth a visit the interior is stunning and it has a calm, tranquil air about it.
Seron also has a castle dating from 800's however now all that remains is the outer wall and bell tower, the town have used the space to create an ampi theatre, where during some fiestas concerts and shows take place. It is worth the walk up to the Castle because the views are breathtaking !
Seron is most famous for its Jamón ( cured ham) the first factory arriving in Serón in the 1800's. Yet there are no pig farms here the pigs are all brought from other places. Seron has the perfect climate for curing the Jamón and is thought to be the best in the World.
I have attached a link for what is in our opinion the best, Pene Cruz, so if you would like to find out more or buy some take a look !
Seron has a main town square along with a number of smaller squares doted around the village. The main square sits in front of the Town Hall, when we first arrived in Serón it had a small very Spanish bar next to it called 'Casa Blanca' because it was all white !
Now however it has been replaced by a very modern and large Town bar and restaurant, at the time of writing it is unfortunately not open, however I am sure that it will reopen in the near future.
Above the New Bar is a theatre, computer suite ( with free access and classes for all), community rooms and a well stocked Library ( which they are hoping to extend).
The square is walled which offers much needed seating during Fiestas the biggest being the Feria del Jamón (the Jamon show) which brings people from all over Spain, this year it is on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th July. Also the week long Fiesta from the 14th- 17th August where the population of Serón more than doubles every year.
The square also has a children's park and is decorated with trees, water fountain and benches.
The views are stunning, looking over the school (under construction at this time) to the mountains 10 km's in the distance, on the other side over the turning circle and car parking area to the mountain road leading up to the old mining town of Las Menas, across Los Filabres mountain range to Almeria.
Las Menas is an amazing place 25 minutes from Serón up the mountain. A huge iron ore mine in its day, it opened in 1870 and closed in 1970. The large community had a square just for musical activities, police station, cinema, bakers, shop, hospital, chemist, school and even hosted Bull fights. Now sadly all that remains is the church, hotel, campsite and the odd holiday home, the rest of the building have fallen into ruins due to the harsh extremes of weather ! The mines once English owned and boast two impressive Gothic mansions from this history, these just about still have their roofs, unlike so many of the other building ! One of these houses was used as offices whilst the other was the management home, I am reliably informed there is direct access to the mine shaft through the basement of one ! I do know that one is for sale for an asking price of around the 500,000 euro mark, so if you have a few Million to spare and would like a really amazing property, let me know I may be able to put you in touch with the right people !
So in a nut shell that is the village and surrounding that I fell in love with !
Whilst we were in Spain on that trip we did go and see Bernard's Mill (where Barry was going to work) it was very clear that although the building itself had potential, the location was not the best for an outdoor activity centre! Also it was clear that to turn it into a workable outdoor activity centre was going to take a lot of time and money. It is located at the bottom of a small valley, with no phone coverage and with no access to hike paths or activity without the use of a car, unlike properties closer to Serón where the mountain is covered in footpaths and opportunities. The Mill is about 20km's away from Seron in the middle of nowhere and now is surrounded by a wind farm boasting about 250 wind mills ! However as he had already brought it, we kept our months shut and if you really want something to work anything is possible !
Bernard had seen,in our view much better properties for less money, we know because we have seen some of them! But he had been guided by Tim who is a surveyor turned builder, who was going to do all the work !
We kept our opinions to ourselves and Tim offered Barry the labouring work on the project, in a few months time, when they would have all the permissions in and could get started, we were on our way ! A job in a year or so and until then labouring work which would keep us ticking over, whilst we built our new life.