Time continued to tick by, like it does ! Still I was going into the Town asking for the tender for the bar and no joy !
The girls had started having problems in school. The two other English kids started to try and create a Spanish, English divide. My girls didn't want to know and because of this they had turned on them. I had already stopped them seeing each other outside school because of the behaviour of these two kids was so horrible.
They spend too much time in my view running wild in the streets, climbing through ruined houses, terrorising people.
One lovely old lady, who had the misfortune of living next door to these very troubled kids, would stop me almost everyday asking for help, even with my very limited Spanish I could understand how distressed she was. These children would throw things at her, wee from the roof terrace onto her, break in to her house, knock on the door them run away, shout insults at her. She was beside herself and it appeared the police were unable to do anything to stop it, they sent the Mum to the justice of the peace, threaten to take the kids away, sent them to family counselling in Almeria, but things just got worse to the point the then 11 year old daughter started torturing and killing cats.
This was my worst nightmare and more ! I wanted my girls to be totally integrated and not be in a school with racial divides and here in was happening. I wrote to the teachers, I spoke with teachers explained I didn't want these kids near mine. At its worst my girls were coming home with black eyes, bumps on the head, bruises everywhere, they were trying to avoid them but would get locked in the loo or cornered when their friends weren't about. I tried talking to the Mum but she seemed to think it was all normal !!
Thankfully someone above started to listen, these kids stopped going to school !
My girls started to thrive again. Then a miracle happened the family returned to the UK, since that point, there has been no issues at school, they only bruises they come back with now are when they fall over which is not often and they love school and get good school reports.
As time went on and the summer faded, the flat got colder ! The windows didn't close properly I had to pin a blanket at Mysty's room because of the gale blowing through. But that wasn't the worst, in the Summer the water had been a good temperature, but now the pipes where cold so was the water ! It was unbearable, we were unable to use the shower it was so cold, in order to have a bath we had to fill pans of water and boil them on the hob. We had the boiler looked at but it made no difference. We needed to move again !
We had seen a number of houses for sale, only one that we liked enough to make an offer on!
It wasn't perfect, in the centre of town with no parking, but you could get the car to the front door, just not park there. It needed a huge amount of work but it had some great features, downstairs was totally untouched, still set up as animal housing, but was huge, spilt into three rooms, one would have made a great kitchen dinner, the other an apartment and the third was like an inside garden, it went all the way through to the roof terrace a tunnel through the house and I could just see how amazing it could be, but I would want to change the walls for glass bricks to make it a light house, which it really wasn't ! Upstairs every room bar two ran around the tunnel it was odd, so of course I liked it ! This house needed everything doing ! Up on the top floor was a small room and then a huge roof terrace and if you faced the back you could see the castle and straight ahead the church. The view was amazing. We were slightly worry as all the surrounding houses were derelict, one majorly so.
We put in an offer and got things going, but then a paperwork issue arouse, which could take up to two years to sort out, the vendors agreed to foot the bill. We decided to pull out and when the paperwork was completed we would look at it again. By that time we decided we wanted to live in the campo so never offered again !
I would really like to thank you all for reading my blog, I am loving writing it and hope you are enjoying our story !