Village near Barcelona has 228 cars per inhabitant
Tuesday, April 23, 2013 @ 7:48 PM
A VILLAGE in the Barcelona province has 60,000 cars registered in it – despite only having 300 inhabitants.
Aguilar de Segarra (pictured) has no shops and only a handful of houses, but has 228 cars per resident, according to the census.
Given that car tax is between just 10 and 15 euros a year – at least 10 times lower than in nearby towns and in the city of Barcelona – around 12 car-hire companies have registered their head office as being in Aguilar de Segarra.
This means they save a fortune on tax on their vehicles.
Just a few kilometres away, the village of Rajadell – which has 500 inhabitants – has 40,000 cars registered, or 80 vehicles per resident.