Today's 'Mediterranean diet': Outsized portions and too much fat
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 @ 12:17 AM
NUTRITIONISTS in Spain claim the traditional Mediterranean diet is a myth and that the average resident eats very large portions with a high level of saturated fat and carbohydrates.
And obesity is on the rise, with nearly half of all Spain's children being overweight and nearly six in 10 adults, says a survey by the ministry of health.
Dieticians say only five per cent of obesity or excess weight is caused by health problems, and that the remaining 95 per cent of people with a higher-than-healthy body-mass index are this way because of eating too much and not exercising enough.
Genetic factors play a part, but this is very limited, say nutritionists.
But on the whole Spain's population is not undernourished, but a high number of people suffering from malnutrition has been detected and this is said to be due to a poor balance of vitamins and minerals rather than through not enough to eat