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Live News From Spain As It Happens

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Three in four drivers in Spain still have all their points on their licences
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 @ 5:19 PM

SEVEN years on from the introduction of the points-based driving licence, three-quarters of motorists in Spain have all their points intact.

This translates to 20 million drivers in the country.

Just 0.6 per cent – 167,517 in total – have lost their licences altogether through having all the points confiscated.

And 0.3 per cent, or just over 80,000 only have three points remaining, having lost all the others.

New holders of Spanish licences, and those who acquired one when the points system was launched, had 12 points, which would then rise to 15 over the next three years if the holder did not commit any traffic offences.

Unlike the UK system, where licences are point-free but infractions can lead to three, six or nine points being imposed – and the licence being withdrawn once 12 have been accumulated – in Spain, a licence starts with 12 points and these are lost, usually in threes, where the driver is in breach of road regulations. 


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