Spain's unions condemn FMI's demands for 10 per cent salary cuts
Thursday, August 8, 2013 @ 1:03 PM
UNIONS across Spain have categorically rejected calls from the FMI and the EU to cut salaries in Spain by 10 per cent in a bid to 'stimulate employment', saying the only result would be to stifle consumer spending even further.
PR manager for the Labourers' Commission (CCOO) says policies since the start of the financial crisis have been aimed at 'national devaluation' including a worsening of working conditions and pay which have proven 'ineffective' in helping the country to recover.
“Not only that, but they have actually ended up prolonging it,” states Fernando Lezcano, “and cutting salaries further would create even more problems for people on a wage they can barely survive on.
“This idea is totally unacceptable, both because it is not going to get Spain out of recession and because of the additional suffering it would cause people.