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Live News From Spain As It Happens

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Nationwide demonstration over education reforms next Saturday and three-day strike in the pipeline
Sunday, November 24, 2013 @ 10:06 PM

A THREE-DAY strike and mass protests over schools reforms are set to take place this coming week in an attempted social coup to oust education minister José Ignacio Wert.

The Social Summit, a countrywide group which organised this weekend's demonstrations across Spain, and the General Union of Students say they intend to strike 'whilst Wert is at his weakest'.

They say they are 'not prepared' to put up with the 'present and future' students face under the PP government – 'a future with no hope, a future of insecurity and unemployment'.

Education reforms, which minister Wert is determined to go ahead with even though only the PP is in favour and the majority of the school and college community of Spain is against it, will – according to teachers, students and parents – condemn those who struggle to a future with no qualifications, as well as failing to allow the brightest to flourish.  


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