Cold front brings gales to Spain's coasts
Friday, January 3, 2014 @ 7:28 PM
A COLD front hitting Spain from across the Atlantic will cause gale-force winds of at least 110 kilometres per hour (around 66mph) in the north, east and Balearic Islands.
Temperatures will plummet across the country this weekend and waves of between three and five metres will be seen off most of Spain's coasts, particularly Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and the Mediterranean.
North-western Spain will be the worst-hit by winds, starting from tomorrow (Friday) and the cold climate will hit on Saturday and Sunday.
Rain will sweep across the country over the weekend and is likely to be torrential in Galicia, although more dispersed over the Mediterranean, and snowfall will be seen in areas of between 600 and 900 metres above sea-level.