King Alberto of Spain?
Friday, August 1, 2014 @ 3:58 PM
A PATERNITY suit against the recently-abdicated King Juan Carlos I (pictured) has reared its head again taking advantage in the 'gap' in his diplomatic immunity.
Alberto Solá Jiménez and his lawyer relaunched the ongoing case practically as soon as the Monarch stepped down to make way for his son to be crowned Felipe VI.
And the Catalunya man who believes he is the new King's half-brother says his biological mother had an affair with Juan Carlos before he took the throne, meaning he was not 'above the law' at the time of the 'incident' giving rise to the eventual claim.
But King Juan Carlos still enjoys partial diplomatic immunity, meaning any legal cases against him leap-frog the normal judicial channels and go straight to the Supreme Court, the highest in the land except for the Constitutional Court which exists merely for claims arising through the Spanish Magna Carta not having been correctly applied or interpreted.