Government rape protection advice causes controversy: 'Sexist' or 'common sense'?
Saturday, August 23, 2014 @ 12:31 PM
A SERIES of recommendations for women to protect themselves from rape has inflamed social network users and socialists on the central government.

The ministry of the interior published a list on Twitter this week after a young woman reported a gang-rape at Málaga summer fair by five youths, with nine pointers including carrying a whistle to attract attention, checking one's parked car carefully at night before getting in, and closing curtains when undressing 'to avoid indiscreet observers'.
The advice also included not hitch-hiking nor picking up strangers in one's car, avoiding remote wasteland, country areas or empty back streets especially at night even when in company, and if one has to use these regularly to get home, to change one's route regularly.
Women who live alone should only put their initial or surname, not their full first name on their letter boxes, says the ministry, and should leave lights on in other rooms in the evenings to give the impression more than one person lives there.
When using public transport at night, women should avoid empty bus stops and, if the bus is nearly empty, sit as closely as possible to the driver.
Women are advised not to enter a lift when it is occupied by a man on his own whom they do not know, especially at night or in apartment blocks, and if they have to do so, to stand as closely as possible to the alarm button.