Warm and sunny weather to carry on across Spain until at least the weekend
Tuesday, October 28, 2014 @ 1:17 PM
SUMMER-LIKE temperatures and clear blue skies are predicted to continue this week throughout most of Spain – a sharp contrast to the usual climate for late October, according to the State meteorological agency AEMET.
Although today (Tuesday) could bring isolated and fairly heavy showers in parts of Catalunya, Valecia and the west of the Canary Islands, this is expected to be a blip and the rest of this week will be warm and sunny with temperatures in the mid- to high-20s.
More turbulent weather conditions are likely to be seen on Saturday, the first day of November, but Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – Hallowe'en – will continue much the same as they have been so far this month.
The south-west of the mainland is likely to remain dry and cloudless all week, and any fall in temperature will only be of around 1ºC or 2ºC except in the Canary Islands, where the mercury will plunge further, although will still remain higher than average for the time of year.
No further rain is expected until at least the weekend, and southerly winds will bring warmth to the Mediterranean coast – although they could be particularly strong across the Strait of Gibraltar.
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