African migrant under bonnet of car driven to Spain 'would have died within minutes' from fumes
Wednesday, September 2, 2015 @ 5:38 PM
BORDER guards found an African migrant lying next to a car engine and another squashed behind the back seat as the driver entered Spanish territory on Sunday, reports have just confirmed.
The Mercedes 300 was checked at the frontier between the Spanish-owned city-province of Ceuta on the northern Moroccan coast as it was being driven from the latter country via the El Tarajal checkpoint.
A man said to be from Guinea-Conakry in western Africa was lying under the bonnet on his side, squashed up against the engine with practically no oxygen and, due to his position, inhaling exhaust fumes constantly.
The combination could easily have been fatal, and it is likely the migrant would have died if he had spent a few minutes more in his hiding place.
A second man, also from Guinea-Conakry was discovered in the compartment behind the back seats, again with no air supply and sitting cramped up with his knees bent.
Both men were said to be weak and faint from lack of oxygen and had to be rushed to hospital.
Further background checks on the driver and car revealed that the Mercedes bore a fake registration number.