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Still no sign of 'escaped' bear from Cabárceno safari park
Tuesday, June 7, 2016 @ 12:34 PM

POLICE in Cantabria are still searching for a brown bear who broke out of the huge Cabárceno safari park nearly a week ago and who has been seen running loose in a nearby village.

A group of youngsters saw the bear in Casas del Monte, between Pámanes and Penagos, on the night it escaped from the popular open-air zoo, but no trace has been seen of him since.

Local authorities say nearby residents are 'a bit nervous' about the thought of a wild animal wandering loose around their streets, but staff and management at the Cabárceno Park say they cannot confirm whether or not they are missing a bear or that any animal may have got out.

Although they say they have 'around 80 bears', they do not know the exact number on the premises because of it now being the breeding season.

And the two-metre-high (6'6”) electric fence is not broken, but staff cannot rule out that a bear may have squeezed through it.

Town councils close to the park are concerned that its team has no proper census of the animals and does not appear to have 'proper control' over them.

Penagos local authorities have given advice to residents on what to do if they find any evidence of a bear's presence, such as paw-prints, fur, excrement or marks on trees.


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