Gibraltar urges Spain not to hinder free movement of workers post-Brexit
Tuesday, July 5, 2016 @ 6:46 PM
GIBRALTAR has urged Spain 'not to put up obstacles' to 'free movement of workers' between the Rock and the neighbouring country post-Brexit, pointing out that they are 'the motor' of the enclave's economy.
Chief Minister Fabián Picardo says Gibraltar itself would 'always guarantee' this free movement, and 'trusts the Spanish government will not be an obstacle' to this with its 'threats' and its continous statements about joint sovereignty of the Rock, which 'it knows perfectly well Gibraltar will never accept'.
Picardo made this announcement during a meeting with leaders of two of Spain's largest unions, the labourers' commission (CCOO) and general workers' union (UGT).
The Andalucía branch secretary-general of each union, Francisco Carbonero and Carmen Castilla respectively, travelled to Gibraltar to discuss workers' situations in light of the recent 'Brexit' vote.
Spain's acting foreign affairs minister José Manuel García-Margallo is known for his strong views over where the Rock's sovereignty should lie, even saying within hours of the UK's vote to leave the European Union that 'the Spanish flag on Gibraltar is closer than ever'.
And Picardo complains Mariano Rajoy has 'insisted' that for Gibraltar to continue to enjoy free movement of workers and access to the single market, the 'price' would be the Rock's acceptance of joint sovereignty.
"This is a very obvious threat," the Chief Minister was reported as saying.