Almost one in three Spanish households have dispensed with a landline phone
Thursday, December 29, 2016 @ 10:35 PM
NEARLY a third of homes in Spain no longer have a landline telephone and rely entirely on their mobiles, according to the EU study E-Communications and the Digital Single Market.
SmartPhone technology, greater use of email and social networks for keeping in contact, use of screen calling systems such as FaceTime and Skype, and better deals on calls via mobile phone networks mean landlines are gradually becoming redundant.
They are not even necessary for home broadband internet connections nowadays, just 12 years after the only way to get online was to have a fixed telephone number and a modem, and it was impossible to surf the net and talk on the phone at the same time.
Landlines still serve a purpose, however – free calls to any national fixed telephone number, and a set number of hours per month of free calls to foreign numbers means they are a cheap and convenient way of staying in contact with elderly relatives.