Germany calls for Spain to hand over Volkswagen 'Dieselgate' case
Thursday, April 20, 2017 @ 11:23 PM
GERMANY has asked Spain to hand over its investigations into the Volkswagen 'Dieselgate' fraud for ease of administration, fearing that if the inquiry is too fragmented worldwide, it could lead to cases being filed due to lack of evidence or expiring under the various national statutes of limitations.
'Doctored' engines, fitted with software to mask true emissions readings, are believed to have affected around 11 million cars and vans on the planet.
A recall on all Volkswagens of models known to be carrying the rogue software has allowed anyone who bought a vehicle with a manipulated engine to have theirs replaced free of charge.
At present, 'Dieselgate' in Spain is being handled by National Court judge Ismael Moreno who, as yet, has not found evidence of 'liability' of 'any persons or companies acting on an individual basis' in Spain – or, nobody who specifically and knowingly installed, or ordered the installation of, the emissions-masking programme in EA189 engines.
The prosecution service in Brunswick, Germany has contacted Judge Moreno to say it is well under way with its own inquiries and in evidence-gathering against Volkswagen managers responsible for the fraud, and wants to consolidate the case under one roof.