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Mobile phone calling costs to come down by 40%
Thursday, November 23, 2017 @ 9:26 AM

MOBILE phone use costs could come down by up to 40% within the next two years, if the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) goes ahead with its current recommendations.

Calls would cost as little as 0.64 cents per minute by the year 2020 in accordance with the European Commission's requests.

The CNMC has been analysing call costs among all operators after receiving a letter from the European Commission giving it two months to do so.

The aim is to reduce end call costs by 40% - the tariff charged by network operators to virtual mobile operators, those which do not have their own network, which will reduce the final cost to the customer.

According to the CNMC, virtual operators will cut their own costs by call tariffs being reduced, because they have to pay main operators for use of the netork.



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