Mercadona 'would lose money' opening Sundays, says chairman
Monday, March 19, 2018 @ 12:13 AM
SUPERMARKET chain Mercadona's chairman and founder Juan Roig says he has no plans to open Sundays because the store 'loses money' whenever he has to do so.
One of Spain's top-five richest men, Roig, based in the province of Valencia, was recently asked about his region's trading law changes which allow shops to open whenever they want in officially-recognised tourism belts, rather than – as previously – being legally banned from operating on Sundays and public holidays.
Roig says the issue is 'complex', admitting that some industries are in favour and others against.
Mercadona stores only open on Sundays or bank holidays when not doing so would mean shutting two days on the trot, something it never does.
A common example is over Easter or the March Fallas festivals – especially during one recent year when the two coincided and left a string of up to six non-working days linked together.