Amazon Spain delivery staff to strike over Black Friday and Christmas
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 @ 12:47 PM
AMAZON packaging and delivery staff in Madrid have announced strikes affecting 'Black Friday', the December bank holiday, Christmas and the New Year as negotiations over their working conditions and pay have stalled.
Employees at the logistics centre in San Fernando de Henares have been in ongoing disputes with Amazon, through their unions, since March when the firm 'unilaterally imposed' a new and more restrictive working conditions collective agreement after the previous one expired.
The sector-wide agreement which came up for renewal and renegotiation in March included guaranteed pay increases, sick-pay top-ups so that employees off ill would still get their full wages, and more favourable overtime rates and job titles.
Spanish labour law dictates that new working conditions and salary rates cannot be implemented when they are worse than those currently in existence, without a majority vote in favour by employees and their unions.
And no further progress has been made since the San Fernando logistics centre – one of two of these in Spain – went on strike over 'Prime Day' in July.