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Electricity bills drop in price: 9% lower than a year ago
Wednesday, July 3, 2019 @ 11:45 PM

ELECTRICITY bills went down in price last month, making them considerably lower than a year ago, thanks to a reduction in costs of raw material.

A typical household energy bill came to €54.20 for the month of June, a fall of 1.56% on prices for May and of 9% on those of June 2018.

The actual savings based on the average monthly bill of €54.20 for June this year were 86 cents from May, and €4.87 from June last year – a time when electricity prices for consumers were beginning to soar, causing widespread public concern and creating a major challenge for the then brand-new energy minister María Teresa Ribera.

Bill reductions for last month were largely the result of wholesale energy prices' having dropped by 19.7% - not all of which would have been passed onto the consumer because of the mixed sources of power, renewable and conventional, that end up becoming household fuel.

Gas has gone down by 57% year on year in the wholesale market, but is forecast to rise again by the end of the summer.



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