Spain's air pollution falls to levels of 2011, but there's still work to do
Wednesday, June 24, 2020 @ 1:03 PM
AIR POLLUTION in Spain has plummeted to levels of nearly a decade ago, even before the three-month lockdown, and which is likely to be partly due to schemes set up in previous years in some of the country's largest and worst-offending cities.
According to a study by Ecologists in Action, contamination fell in 2019 by 58% in Spain's main metropolitan areas, taking it down to levels seen in 2011 – and is thought to have reduced even further during the Covid-19 shutdown.
It remains to be seen whether it will spike again now the State of Alarm is over, but about two years ago, Madrid set up a traffic-free zone – known as 'Madrid Central' – which has seen air pollution fall visibly and has been championed by residents.
This said, a change in local government last May means 'Madrid Central' could be in jeopardy, although it is probable that any backtracking on the move could mean the Spanish capital is among other cities continent-wide hauled before the European Commission again to explain what they intend to do about their pollution problems.
Ecologists in Action calls for switch to bikes, walking and public transport
Ecologists in Action say this is a time when the national and regional governments and town and city councils should be making moves to prioritise public transport and for society to switch to bicycles or walking.
It also criticised Spanish president Pedro Sánchez for his recently-announced grant scheme which will give residents up to €6,500 towards buying a new car, in an attempt to reduce the average age of vehicles on the country's roads – currently around 12 years.