Flying to Spain: What you need to know before you set off
Monday, July 20, 2020 @ 8:03 PM
AIRLINES flying to and from Spain will now be offering masks for sale for passengers, and are required by law to have enough of a supply on board to cover the full length of the flight in the event of its being a long-haul connection or likely to be delayed so travellers are on board for more than four hours, according to a notice published yesterday (Friday) by the State Air Safety Agency (AESA).
Passengers must wear one when they board, and will be asked to ensure they have enough with them for the entire trip, and told they can buy extras in flight if they run out.
Cabin crew are required to remind all passengers to deposit used masks in special bags, not to drop them on the floor or leave them on their seats.
As part of the usual safety demonstrations – involving oxygen mask and life-jacket use, and how to put on and adjust a seatbelt – flight attendants will also now demonstrate and explain how to use masks on the journey, and what to do about them in the event of an emergency.
Also, passengers can be refused entry to the plane if they are not wearing a mask, and have to remain on the runway until they have put one on.
Depending upon the type of flight and 'as far as possible', passengers must be kept at a distance from each other, except where they are members of the same household, a family unit, or are companions of people with reduced mobility or otherwise disabled or elderly.