NOW that just over 1% of Spain's population has had both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against Covid-19, health authorities have revealed who will be next to be immunised.

So far, all healthcare staff on the front line – in most cases, this includes cleaners, hospital porters and canteen employees – care home workers and care home residents have had both jabs, except in nursing homes with current cases of the virus.
Those homes where everyone has since tested negative are now starting to get their injections, and the over-80s living at home are being immunised.
Unlike in the UK where, it seems, medical authorities are working their way through the different sections of the community much quicker, Spain has opted to give each group both doses before moving onto the next – in Britain, first doses are being worked through rapidly, but second doses are waiting longer, with appointments for the over-75s already given their first now being issued for March.
Once Spain's residents aged 80 and over have had both jabs – meaning they will be completely immune to the effects of the virus, even though not necessarily unable to pass it on – health authorities will move onto the National Police and the Guardia Civil.
Prison workers will be immunised at the same time, as they spend a lot of their day in enclosed spaces with members of the public who are often of a conflictive nature.
Secretary of State for Security, on behalf of the ministry for the interior, and the ministry of health have both said it is crucial for police to be vaccinated as soon as health and care workers ad the most clinically-vulnerable members of society are immunised.