Three Spanish regions relax movement and trade restrictions
Friday, February 5, 2021 @ 5:00 PM
SOME regions in Spain have relaxed restrictions on movement as their Covid case numbers are starting to decline or at least level off.

Catalunya, which had confined every single one of its towns and cities – meaning nobody was allowed in or out of them other than for very limited exceptions – will now move the ring-fencing to districts instead, starting from this Monday (February 8).
Also, bars and restaurants in the four provinces of Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona are permitted to stay open an hour longer during each of the two 'shifts' they are permitted to trade – elevenses, or breakfast, and lunch – allowing them to serve customers from 07.30 to 10.30 and from 13.00 to 16.30, whilst gyms are now reopening to the public, albeit with limited numbers.
Book shops in Catalunya will be permitted to open again at weekends, from Saturday, February 13, as they have, until now, been among the shops considered 'non-essential' and obliged to close at weekends, but the definition has now changed as these outlets are considered 'cultural establishments'.