Woman turning up for vaccine in mule-drawn cart goes viral
Tuesday, June 22, 2021 @ 12:21 PM
A PICTURE of a woman turning up for her Covid vaccine in the Huelva-province village of Lepe has gone viral due to her unusual mode of transport – or rather, a mode that was once very typical, but has not now been seen in most parts for generations.

Several hundred people were summoned on Sunday to the vaccine point in Lepe, including a woman from the Valdepegas urbanisation who took herself to the venue in a cart drawn by mule.
A number of patients took photos of her in the vehicle queue, where everyone else was in their car.
Many were vaccinated through the windows of their cars, and others on foot after parking, and the woman with the mule was one of those who did not alight from her vehicle.
The nurse stood on the side of the cart to be able to reach her.
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