A MAJOR restructure in Spain's government means new faces on the scene and sideways moves for some of its ministers, whilst others will be relegated to 'mere' MPs rather than heading up a department of their own.

The exact reasons behind the radical shake-up are not clear, and it is not known whether national president Pedro Sánchez (pictured above) was unhappy with the work of some of his ministers, whether they themselves asked to step back a little from the front line, or whether it was simply a case of giving as many party members as possible a chance to lead.
In some cases, it seems the aim was to bring national politics closer to the person on the street, or make central government more 'local' – this may have been the motive behind three mayoresses who have not previously held seats in Parliament being promoted several rungs in one hit.
Although the changes took effect from Saturday and the new ministers have already sworn allegiance to their rôle in front of the King, in accordance with standard procedure, it is thought that their futures will start in earnest after the summer, given that Parliament breaks up for August and returns for the new 'term' in September.
Who's affected
Pedro Sánchez, president of Spain and leader of the socialist party (PSOE), governs in coalition with the left-wing independents Unidas Podemos – but only socialist MPs have been moved around.
This means Unidas Podemos ministers will remain in their jobs.
Work minister Yolanda Díaz, 49, social rights minister Ione Belarra, 33, universities minister Manuel Castells (currently Parliament's eldest at 78), minister for consumer affairs Alberto Garzón, 35 – who has recently raised controversy by urging the public to eat less meat 'for the sake of the planet', lauded by vegetarians and animal-lovers but panned by livestock farmers – and minister for equality Irene Montero, 32, wife of party founder and former deputy president Pablo Iglesias, will stay where they are.
Seven ministers take on new rôles, seven others will now just become MPs like all the others or even leave their seats and just be part of the membership – this has not been confirmed – and three existing ministers have taken on different jobs.
Another seven of Sánchez's socialist ministers will stay put.
Who will carry on as before
Along with all the Unidas Podemos ministers, former Supreme Court head judge Fernando Grande-Marlaska, 58, will continue as minister for the interior, and María Jesús Montero, 54, a medical doctor from Sevilla, will carry on as minister for the treasury.
Luis Planas, 68, currently grappling with the 'eat less meat' controversy, stays in place as minister of agriculture, fishing and food.
Albacete-born Economist José Luis Escrivá is still minister for inclusion, Social Security and migrations, despite recently raising hackles among Spain's 'baby boom' generation, those aged approximately 50-71, by hinting they would either have to earn a smaller pension, 'work for a bit longer', or retire on schedule with their planned pension but pay income tax on it.
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