IN THE event of experiencing symptoms consistent with Covid-19, suspecting you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive, or you use an over-the-counter fast-track test bought at a pharmacy that gives a positive result, you should immediately seek medical assistance, even if you feel well – but not in person, for obvious reasons.

If you can't reach your GP or it is outside normal surgery hours, you might be able to contact your local walk-in clinic by telephone for advice; if you cannot, though, 24-hour helplines are in operation and will be able to advise you or make arrangements on your behalf.
Each region has a different telephone number, though, so you should make sure you are familiar with the one where you live or are staying – and ensure you also know which region you're in.
Numbers are mainly toll-free, although Andalucía has published the landline number corresponding with its freephone number since, depending upon a person's operator and package, this may be free of charge anyway – it can be reached on 95 55 45 060 or the free helpline is 900 400 061.
For Catalunya, dial 061 to get straight through.
In the Comunidad Valenciana, the freephone number is 900 300 555, and in the Greater Madrid region, it is 900 102 112.
In the Balearic Islands, ring 900 100 971, and in the Canary Islands, call 900 112 061.
If you're in the Murcia Region, call 900 12 12 12.
Other regions with a toll-free 900 number are Cantabria (900 612 112); Castilla-La Mancha (900 122 112); Castilla y León (900 222 000); Galicia (900 400 116); Ceuta (900 720 692); and the Basque Country (900 203 050)...