Cat's loud late-night music brings police to door
Tuesday, July 27, 2021 @ 9:56 PM
DEAFENING music in the early hours led residents in a Lugo apartment block to calling the police, and they had some choice words to say about the owner of the home it was coming from.
But they were surprised to hear who the real culprit behind their sleepless night was.
When the humans are away, the cats will play…even if it keeps the neighbours awake (photo: Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS)
Local Police were summoned in the small hours of Saturday by furious occupants in the Ronda das Fontiñas block in the Galicia city, who complained one of their neighbours had his stereo on full volume.
Officers went round, expecting to have to break up a party and dish out fines, but nobody appeared to be at home.
They investigated as far as they could, and confirmed the apartment was empty.
Or so they thought.