SINGULARLY misnamed, Germany's world-famous beer festival is a standard part of the calendar in numerous locations in Spain, too, but usually in September – and Torremolinos (Málaga province) is one of the few planning on going ahead with it this year.

Oktoberfest is one of Torremolinos' most popular international fiestas (photo: Spania i dag, Norwegian newspaper on the Costa del Sol)
Covid safety procedures will be stringent and numbers in beer tents carefully controlled, naturally, with anyone not eating or drinking required to wear a mask – but given how Spanish towns like to celebrate it as a 'Septemberfest' instead, the weather will still be warm and sunny enough for large parts of it to take place in the open air.
Normally, the Torremolinos Oktoberfest would be held in the Plaza de la Nogalera, but due to ongoing building works, it will move to the Plaza del Remo, off La Carihuela beach.
The festival runs from Wednesday, September 8 to Sunday, September 12 inclusive, all drinks, meals and snacks are at 'affordable, token prices', according to the town hall, and the venue is open daily from noon to midnight.
There is no need to book a place in advance – you can just turn up, but may have to wait if the venue is too full to allow social distancing.
There's more to Oktoberfest than beer, but that's a good place to start
Oktoberfest, Germany's most globally-renowned fiesta, is not just a huge beer party, although German real ales are a big part of it; the event is a celebration of the central European nation's culinary and popular culture, with typical foodstuffs – cheese and pretzels for vegetarians who would not partake of the sausages, which are another key element of Oktoberfest