Arts, entertainment and culture voucher of €400 launched for everyone born in 2004
Monday, July 25, 2022 @ 6:38 PM
YOUNG people who have turned 18 in 2022 or are due to celebrate their 'coming of age' before the year is out can apply for up to €400 to spend on arts, entertainment and culture as part of a one-off bid to kick-start the industry.

Benidorm Low Festival, so-named because of its low-cost tickets. The ‘culture voucher’ for youngsters turning 18 in 2022 is valid for music festival entries (photo by the Low Festival organisation)
During the worst months of the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, museums and cinemas were shut, no concerts, festivals or theatre plays went ahead, and although music, films, books and magazines were still being downloaded online or bought as hard copies, passing trade in shops selling them was minimal, and very little in the way of production was happening where this involved people being in close proximity with each other, such as actors.
The move by culture and sports minister Miquel Iceta is an attempt to help them claw back their losses by giving everyone an 18th birthday present this year.
Known as a Bono Cultural, the gift card or voucher cannot just be blown on anything – no spending €400 on video games, for example – since Iceta stresses that, as it involves 'a significant amount of public funds', it must be 'closely audited, transparent and its proper use monitored'.
It will cost the State €210 million, but is hoped to get young adults into the habit of spending their 'leisure money' on arts, culture and entertainment, so as to keep these industries thriving in the future.