Barcelona is world's third-most attractive city, according to mathematical formula
Monday, October 24, 2022 @ 7:51 PM
BARCELONA is number three in the world for the most beautiful monuments, beating much-loved European destinations such as Paris, Florence and Athens, according to a recent study.

Barcelona's iconic Sagrada Família cathedral - still incomplete and now into its third century of being built
Eye-Catching Architecture analysed hundreds of streets on every continent, and over 2,400 buildings, to try to work out which city had the most attractive and in-proportion of structures.
Venice came out as world number one for most beautiful monuments, followed by Rome, based upon a complex mathematical equation often used by professional artists and building designers.
Known as the 'golden ratio', two quantities are said to be within it if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities.
Although this definition may be confusing to many, it has been studied by mathematicians for thousands of years and examples of visual effects with a 'golden ratio' are found everywhere in nature, from the shape of the human body, of flowers, and even gene structure.
This 'perfect proportion' in art and design is held to be a ratio of 1:1.618.
Eye-Catching Architecture worked out the percentage of buildings in cities worldwide which were within the 'golden ratio' in their design.