WHEN SEEKING out the ideal restaurant for that extra-special celebration, one where the higher price you pay is worth every cent, and where the dishes you're served are so unique you won't find anything else like them on earth – often, so visually-attractive you feel the need to photograph them before tucking in – the annual Michelin guide can be your greatest ally.

Originally launched in France, but now with different editions for individual countries or small groups of countries, any restaurateur who makes it into the guide is instantly placed on the world dining map and will henceforth be catering for customers who have travelled considerable distances just to taste their wares.
Having one Michelin star is proof of a restaurant's excellence, so you don't have to feel apprehensive about whether the food and service will be up to scratch before you book.
And having the maximum of three Michelin stars means your eatery is officially among the best on earth.

Dessert at the three-starred El Celler de Can Roca (photo: Flickr)
This year's star-awarding ceremony for the 2023 Spain, Andorra and Portugal Michelin guide took place in the historic Castilla-La Mancha city of Toledo for the first time, introducing 1,401 restaurants across the three countries, and upgrading 33 establishments in Spain.
Of these, 28 Spanish restaurants gained their first star, another three earned their second, and two of them were awarded a third.
Once you've reached for the stars and grabbed three, there's no higher you can go – but hanging onto this prestigious kitemark is a goal in itself, since you will have to maintain those world-beating standards every day of your professional life to enable you to remain at the summit of culinary splendour.
Top budget: Spain's eateries with three Michelin stars, including two newcomers
With 13 restaurants holding the highest-possible Michelin status – three stars – Spain is the ideal élite dining destination, and at least one of its haute cuisine establishments has been ranked as the world's best in the recent past.
This is the case with El Celler de Can Roca, run by the Roca family in Girona city and giving a touch of ultra-sophistication to a trip to the Costa Brava.
Read more at thinkSPAIN.com