Sadly, as of 30th May, there is no news of Fanta despite newspaper adverts etc.

11th May
Another day without a sign of Fanta, there was a dubious sighting in Castalla, and 7 people searched the area until early hours of the morning with no luck. Spanish personalities have retweeted her poster, so many people have been out searching the Maigmo mountain over the weekend by foot, by bicycle, on horseback, by car, all the villages and towns surrounding the maigmo now have Fanta posters.
So many people have sent the owners encouring words and given ideas. There has been no definite sighting of her at all. We hope with the word being out there that she is missing that sooner or later if anybody has her, someone will see her and call us.
There is a reward for her safe return.
Un día más sin aparecer Fanta , se ha continuado poniendo carteles por las zonas que faltaban hasta San Vicente y por la zona de Onil, se podría decir que está el Maigmó y todas las comarcas que la rodean "empapeladas".
EL tuiter ha seguido, Santiago Segura,el cantante alicantino Alex Escribano, Pipi Estrada, Maria la Piedra han retuiteado la foto de Fanta y el super todoterreno ha estado batiendo parte del maigmo.
Se han visitado protectoras.
Se ha tenido un aviso en un poligono de Castalla pero hemos estado hasta las 1:30 de la madrugada 7 personas buscando sin exito y no hemos podido confirmar su fiabilidad.
Nos consta que muchos amigos han salido con la bicicleta,coches,andando, a caballo, ... ayudando en su busqueda.
Y se han preparado algunos pasos de Fauna para poder saber mañana si algún perro pasa por ellos.
Y muchos amigos dando ánimos.
Un gran esfuerzo, de muchos amigos y compañeros y seguimos sin saber de Fanta, almenos tengo el consuelo de que hay mucha gente buena, que cuando necesitas ayuda, están ahi, para echarte una mano.
9th May.
No sign of Fanta and yesterday the owners even hired a microlight aircraft for a couple of hours to scan the forest area where she went missing from, from the sky. She really could be anywhere at this stage after five days.
8th May.
Someone has seen her in the area of the bins in Colonia Santa Isabel between San Vicente Raspeig and Alicante. Please keep looking, especially if you know anyone in that area.

Fanta was lost in the Maigmo mountains (near Ibi, Alicante) 4/5/2014
She is chipped & has a red collar with her telephone no. on.
She has leishmania so needs regular medication. Please ask anyone you know in the area Agost - Tibi -Ibi -Xorret Cati .
She is chipped and has a red collar with a telephone number. Her owner is very distraught.
Possible sighting in Castalla. Today her owner and friends are putting up posters in Sax, Castalla and Petrer.
Fanta has a Facebook page so please share if you can.
And a blogspot too with a map showing where she was lost.