Please buy this beautiful 30 page childrens book A Naughty Little Angel to help Kittens in Distress.
Monday, February 6, 2017
A brand new children's book for cat lovers
A Naughty Little Angel by Bivi Ariel, President of Kittens in Distress.

Please buy this beautiful 30 page children's book A Naughty Little Angel to help Kittens in Distress.
Review "A heart-warming story of how a little girl rescues a kitten, showing a special bond that can be formed between humans and animals. It is full of love and compassion and so very well written, teaching children how to be kind to animals with wonderful illustrations to complement the story.
Proceeds of the book sales are donated to Kittens in Distress registered charity at Ciudad Quesada, Rojales, Valenciana, Spain. A truly inspirational story that deserves 5 stars! Well done Bivi Ariel for writing this really moving story based on a real life experience!"
This was Angel when found..

and her now, happy & healthy.

Kittens in Distress Facebook page is
Kittens in Distress have created this Facebook page to find loving homes mainly for the "less" (in social standards) beautiful and slightly disabled kittens. Unfortunately they are always dismissed but deserve the same, if not more, love!
Their mission is to help as many homeless cats and kittens get necessary veterinary care, and find loving homes for them.
They are a registered charity, that is putting its own funds together to help cats and kittens in finding homes for them; giving them medical treatment and vaccination and also neutering as many stray cats as possible, so there will be less abandoned or killed kittens in the future.
They also care for sick kittens and cats that have no chance to be adopted and require more daily attention.
With the help of their friendly and like-minded vets, they hope to improve the situation of the cat population in this area.
A long term dream of turning their love for animals into a reality is starting to take shape.
If you would like to help their work, you can donate through:
Even the smallest amount helps. Thank you on behalf of animals rescued.
If you like what Kittens in Distress are doing to help sick or homeless cats and kittens finding homes, you can help them by joining the teaming for 1 euro a month, or send a donation to Paypal: or to the charity bank account:
ES112100 7765 0521 0001 6031 BIC: CAIXESBBXXX ( Spain).
Even the smallest donation makes a big difference in the life of those animals in need.
Thank you so much. With your help they can do much more.
Reg. Charity No. G54716121
PayPal :
Bank account details:
ES11 2100 7765 0521 0001 6031 / CAIXESBBXXX
This is the author, Brigida.

UPDATE: This children story is now available in Spanish.
Although it is aimed for kids 5 - 8 years old, many adults love it too.
It teaches children and their parents to love and care for even the small and sick animals, All proceeds go to help Brygida rescue more cats and kittens that need help, so please buy your copy and/ or share this link with your Spanish friends. Thank you to Brygida's friends that helped with the translation.
The Spanish paperback version can be bought for 4.79€ by clicking here
A Kindle version in Spanish can be bought for 3€ by clicking here
The English paperback version can be bought for £5.75 by clicking here
A Kindle edition in English can be bought for £2.57 by clicking here
Published at 11:26 PM Comments (1)
Update on Mr. Eddy
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Continuing on from my post about dear little Mr. Eddy...
"Mr.Eddy had his operation on 27th; they had to take all his teeth out because they were infected. Made a new jaw that is half the size of a normal jaw and should give his tongue support. Bad news is that his tongue was also so infected that he can not breath anymore. Therefore they had to do a tracheotomy to give him oxygen. This has to stay until at least Wednesday and I will hear what they think about his condition by then.
I told them again that he is a rescue dog and I can not pay endlessly even though I wish I could. So far we have collected €760,00 so I hope people will keep supporting Mr. Eddy and please keep your fingers crossed for him, he is fighting for all he is worth! We still need at least €750,- to pay all his bills!"
Please refer to the Facebook page if you want to see photos of the operation, I think it's best not to add them here.
Warning bloody photos!
Please help care for this little guy, thanks!
Published at 12:40 PM Comments (0)
Hope for Spanish strays: Mr.Eddy
Saturday, July 25, 2015
I've been been reading about tiny Eddy, 10 years old & who'd been kicked so badly this time by his owner his jaw had been broken. Please read about him & donate if you can.
Many photos are in here along with his story.
If you don't use Facebook here is what was on the page to date.
We can need all the financial support we can get and are happy with every euro.
Mr. Eddy did arrive today. We are all in shock! His jaw is broken, his owner probably kicked him to hard this time. His skin looks awefull, and he is only skin and bones. His onwer did not even take him to the vet, did not want to spend money on a dog they had for 10 years... Mr. Eddy is dehydrated an almost died of hunger. Luckely he seems to be able to "eat" recovery and drink from a deep bowl. He needs to get stronger, tomorrow they will make an x-ray and next week hopefully he is strong enough to be operated. After all what happend to him he is still sweet and playfull, loves to cuddle too.
x-rays are made. Mr.Eddy was so scaredn in pain that he peed himself wet. But we have a clear photo now and he needs an operation asap! The traumaspecialist from Murcia is asked to come over, but it is saterday so no reaction untill Monday. He needs an operation this week! More food for him, expensive but the only food he can eat and the fluid with elctrolyten and fructose etc. against dyhydration for in his water as he is to skinny to give him this under the skin.
Mr. Eddy had his first poo today!!!!
That means that finaly he gets enough food inside and everything is still working inside. We were not sure if all the organs were still working as he is just skin and bones.
Mr. Eddy did eat a lot again and had his walks in the garden.
Mr.Eddy is fine and wants food. Wagging his tail everytime he sees me, so sweet.
Trying to contact the best traumasurgeon in the area to give him a chance to keep his lower jaws.. it seems it is an ugly fracture but weare not ready to except the lowerjaws will simply be removed and that's it.
Oke not gonna happen today as the place this specialist is has a holiday today... tomorrowmorning my vet is going to phone them again and send all the x-rays, videos and pictures to him. Hope I can come immidiatly. Long drive but worth to try.
This is really good...tonight I need to start an other antibiotics and other medication on him, than Thursday will go the the traumasurgeon in Novelda, they will see how they can recontruct his lowwerjaw by using other bones. Than next week they will do the operation and after that he needs to eat fluidfood for two mionths (not sure but think they also going to fixate the lower jaw so it can not move much. That should be enough to let him heal and after that he should be as good as new (for an old dog). Mr.Eddy is ssssssssssssssso sweet, I went away for some shopping (after waiting all those days next to the telephone for him I had nothing in the house), I came back and he was so happy to see me again did jump up to me and licks my face trying togive little kisses. cry-emoticon I mean who can harm a sweet good hearted dog like that? Think I need a lot of money for all this butves to get a chance to save his lower jaw!
This morning I did bring Mr.Eddy to the hospital. It was hard to leave him behind but they where real nice to him and they can give him the best care. He will have a smaller jaw than he has now and his tongue will always hang out a bit, but his nose should be on the right place again. Than I got the hospital billand it is BIG, real big but the other option is to put him to sleep and I can't do that as he is so full of life, he loves humans and dogs and he is a happy guy. Sp I hope you all can think of ways how to collect more money to pay the bills. Up untill now I had to pay €70,- for the tranpsort to get him to my house, todays transportcosts are €30,- and probalby another €30,- next week, I do nt know what the vetbill at my own vet is but think that will not be hugs and the hospital bill is €1351,94. I had to pay already 70% of the operation so I did pay them €950,- today.
Please help me pay the bills for this sweetheart so he can experience a good and loving life within a few months.
At the moment he is in the hospital and he will be operated on Monday or Tuesday so he will be home end of the week and start his recovery. He has an English couple who would love to adopt him when they come to Spain to live here in September.
Published at 10:45 AM Comments (0)
Kittens in Distress, Quesada, Rojales, Alicante area
Sunday, July 12, 2015
I only learnt about this small charity, Kittens in Distress, very recently because, when my husband & I were at our holiday home outside Guardamar, a tiny ginger kitten around 10-12 weeks old, turned up one evening crying pitifully for attention, food & drink. From the Tuesday night until the Friday night my husband & I, along with our neighbours, cared for little Ginge as my husband called him.
Initially he was very nervous, he kept his distance so we could not touch him but, when we pretended to ignore him, he came to my husband for him to stroke. By the 2nd evening he was very much more ready for cuddles having been with our neighbours during the day, playing & sleeping under a tree for shade out of the hot sun. By the 3rd evening he just sat or slept on my husband's knees most of the time, he was beautiful & very funny.
I spent hours daily trying to find some charity who might take him as we were due to leave Spain the following Wednesday, our neighbours were leaving too, the day after us. The stress was terrible especially as some neighbours were very annoyed that we supposedly were encouraging a FERAL kitten, no way was this tiny thing feral. They caused us problems & life was difficult.
Facebook is a wonderful tool & eventually a lady called Yvonne from Pets in Spain, who could help me as they were full to capacity with no foster homes available, suggested I contact Kittens in Distress.
Kittens in Distress work hand in hand with the 24 hour vets clinic in Guardamar, our nearest town. They take in animals if they've room & try to rehome them. Thankfully, Veronica, a truly wonderful young woman who works at the clinic, told Kittens in Distress that, if my husband & I could take Ginge to them Friday evening between 7 & 9pm, they could care for him. To say we were elated is an understatement as we were so scared for Ginge if we had to leave him to fend for himself with the summer coming fast. It was hot enough then!
So Veterpets had Ginge & Kittens in Distress stayed in touch with us about him. A local lady who has many strays offered to have him & that was being looked into. Someone in Madrid was enquiring about him, he had a future. On Wednesday, before going to the airport, my husband & I called to see Ginge & he was happy to be held & cuddled, he loved being fussed & having cuddles. We came home to the UK late Wednesday night 1st July, wondering where Ginge was going.
On Saturday morning I received a distressing message from Kittens in Distress telling me that Ginge had died! The vet had checked on him that morning, he'd not eaten & he was lethargic. He was taken into the hospital area where he died two hours later. The vet said this happens a lot to kittens born to unvaccinated mums. They've no immunity. They are fine but suddenly go downhill, passing away fast.
Everyone who'd come together to help this little guy were upset. For a while I was inconsolable. It is hard for me to write about him without glazed eyes. Our consolation is knowing he was loved & cared for that last ten days of his life & he died where he did, not suffering in the heat outside.
Reg. Charity No. G54716121
"We have created this Facebook page to find loving homes mainly for the" less" (in social standards) beautiful and slightly disabled kittens. Unfortunately they are always dismissed but deserve the same, if not more, love!"
An insight from Kittens in Distress
"My charity, although legally registered, is small. I started by rescuing a few from my friend who had fed many strays, unfortunately not sterilised, she ended up with more than 20 kittens at one stage, all with eyes infections. That was 2 years ago. She asked me to help find adoptions, it is long story, but I ended up with few, that I could not find homes to, because they had one eye damaged etc.
I am specialising in helping sick or injured cats and kittens as opposed to healthy kittens. I have registered the charity because many times I need to ask for donations for operations or transport, and it is illegal if not registered. In the meantime my little herd grew to 11 at the moment.
On the Amazon there is a first story I wrote, about a kitten I have rescued. The small proceeds are going for my charity. I you have friends or kids in the family you can ask them to purchase it if they want to help in rescuing more. It's only £1 for the Kindle version, £3.80 for the paperback version.
You can read the reviews. Many animal lovers love it. I am currently working with a publisher in USA to have the book made in hard back and with more colour illustrations."
Please look at Kittens in Distress on Facebook & read about the work this lady does to help injured cats & kittens.
Also Veterpets in Guardamar who care so much.

Published at 12:40 PM Comments (1)
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

This young dog is living under a car in a car park in Los Alcazares.
He is thin, hot and sunburnt please someone offer him a home, he is super friendly.
He has so much love to give and is only about 19 -24 months old.
He is very thin as he had been fed on cat biscuits apparently! A kind lady has given him cotton sheets to lie on so he can get shelter from the sun. His nose is badly burnt, he has water but it's been over 40°C there today. His coat is long, he won't last long in this heat.
If anyone can take him locally ( Murcia) the lady can transport him please contact her. 0034 672 192 2222

Published at 12:29 AM Comments (3)
Lost & Found Pets Costa Blanca
Monday, April 20, 2015
Published at 10:25 AM Comments (0)
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