Angie's rescued dogs are waiting for Christmas..hoping.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Angie Mccready, who lives inland from Alicante, has rescued many dogs during her time in Spain. She takes on 2 hour bottle feeding puppies without a thought, she goes out in all weathers trying to catch a stray & injured dog, there's nothing Angie won't do.
Whenever dogs she's fostering don't find their forever home she has adopted them, now date .. she has eleven. Somehow I can't believe it'll stop at eleven.
Angie never asks for financial help .. after all, she says, they are HER dogs .. she has so many expenses though, each dog gets everything it needs whilst Angie does without. Currently there are concerns with Dolly & Dino who have been to specialists.
If you would like to give something to help her with her endless vets bills you can, by using her Paypal
Here are her dogs waiting with their stocking, lol.

I would like to wish Angie, her husband, Phil, & their furry family a wonderful Christmas. xx

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