UPDATE: NEW PHOTOS: Katie had TEN pups & help is desperately required.
Monday, March 25, 2013
If you haven't read about Katie, a beautiful Pointer, who was rescued from a killing station just before giving birth recently, you REALLY MUST!
My friend Angie (inland from Alicante) was told she'd have funding for fostering Katie, plus the pups (when they arrived on 13th March) when she took Katie out of the perrera where she would have been put to sleep. This offer was withdrawn before the pups were born, this is a long story with petty squabbles about dates certain things happened BUT, at the end of the day, Katie had her pups & Angie will be needing to have the pups vaccinated then microchipped soon which costs 60€ per puppy! The pups, when weaned, will need food & other things & there is no money.
Now I realise we always seem to be asking for help, I work for a few charities, animals & a childrens charity in Spain & life's hard for many but, if you want to help Katie & her pups, your donations will be so much appreciated.
There is a sponsor button for Katie & her puppies on this link & you can donate direct to Angie on her Paypal angie_mccready@hotmail.com
Just look at these weeny puppies! I'm spending my birthday on Good Friday with them, can't wait!

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