Pumpkin, a ginger cat, went missing 12th April from El Galan, Blue Hill area, Torrevieja
Sunday, June 1, 2014 @ 8:42 PM
From owner, Lisa Clark...
Pumpkin, our ginger cat went missing around 12th April from El Galan, Blue Hill area, Torrevieja.

He is 10 years old, has beautiful green eyes and very distinctive orange and white rings around his tail. He knows his name so hopefully will be approachable.
He may now have wandered into someone's garden and thought to be a stray so someone may be feeding him.

If you think you have seen him, have him or know someone that does then please, please contact me. I miss him terribly and just want him back.

If you think you have seen him or know where he is please contact Lisa or John on 966844024 or 627887385
Email ewokers@hotmail.co.uk
Thank you
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