UPDATE TEN PUPS! SEE PHOTOS. Katie, a pointer about to give birth, was removed from Hellin killing station.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 @ 3:23 PM
This is a long story but basically a very caring lady called Angie Mccready, who lives inland from Alicante with TEN rescued dogs of her own, offered recently to take in (as a foster carer) a VERY PREGNANT pointer called Katie who was in Hellin perrera (a killing station at Albacete). Animals in killing stations do not have much time there before being destroyed.
Angie took Katie in after being told funding would be forthcoming from a certain Facebook group, sadly this hasn't materialised as expected, leaving Angie without funding.
The pups haven't been born yet - they are due any day & the vet says she's having a minimum of 6 or 7 pups - & Angie has had to pay a vets bill for Katie who needed worming & treatment for bad diarrhea, costing 60€. Angie had agreed to keep Katie & her pups till the pups are able to travel. I understand the pups will be going to the UK to homes but restrictions mean they need to be 4 months old. Angie is now on her own regarding paying money out, money she hasn't spare! She is extremely concerned & rightly so.
I have written about Angie previously when she adopted a tiny old dog she called Mona. Mona is now doing well & enjoying her life thanks to a few kind readers paying her vets bills.
Here is Katie, taken yesterday 11th March.

If you feel able to help with a few euros please paypal angie_mccready@hotmail.com
Thank you!

Katie had her TEN pups early today, 13th March, all well & safe.

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