Monday 20th May: Billy has had to be put in a pen outside with a cover that Angie puts rescued dogs in as he has soaked sofas & carpet, he hasn't had any control of his bladder. However, many people have sent healing & when Angie checked him extremely early this morning she had this to post on FB "I want to thank Averil Elaziz, Marie Holliday Eft Spain Trainer, and her followers for the healing they have been sending to Billy. Overnight, Billy seems to have turned a corner. He's stopped whining, stopped peeing everywhere, and eaten a small breakfast. His tail is wagging, and he's looking a lot happier. Thank you also to everybody's lovely comments wishing Billy to get well. Today, I think we are on the right road. XXX"
Sunday 19th May: Angie was told she could fetch Billy home from the hospital so she & her husband went for him though he still won't eat. Angie has been told to force feed Billy some tinned food the vet sold her. He is still urinating everywhere & is very down.
Saturday 18th May: Billy is still not eating & is being kept in San Vincente hospital, Alicante, for a 2nd night. He is very ill.
Friday 17th May: "Billy seems to have lost control of his bladder! Everywhere he has laid during the night is soaked in pee".
Angie decided she must get him to Alicante miles away where there's a specialist veterinary hospital called San Vincente.
Tonight Angie posted this message on her FB page.
"Billy has been admitted to Alicante hospital. He's very sick. He has pancreatitis, peritonitis, anemia, a high temperature and all his organs and intestines are inflammed. He is now on a drip getting the RIGHT treatment. I have to call tomorrow morning at 11am to see how he is. Poor Billy has been in so much pain for the past 2 weeks, but I feel happier now we know for sure what is causing his illness. Thank you to everybody for your lovely comments and concern. I will update tomorrow as soon as I know any more. XXXX oh also his spleen is enlarged XXX"
Thursday 16th May: "Billy still has the runs, but has meds for that now, he's still not wanting to eat but managed a plain yoghurt &, if hes still got the runs in 3 or 4 days, I've to take him back x"

Wednesday 15th May: "Vet called, no change I'm afraid, still doesnt want to eat. They are keeping him in at least until tomorrow to see if they can find out whats wrong x"
Tuesday 14th May: "Billy is in hospital. All the blood tests came back clear, so now he is under observation. They need to check his pee and poo, and see if they can get him to eat. He was wagging his tail as I put him in the big cage (he hasnt done that for a week now). The vet will call me tomorrow with any news. Thank you to everybody for your kind comments and well wishes. xx"
Monday 13th May: 3.30pm: NEWS JUST IN FROM ANGIE:
"No change I'm afraid. He's still a very poorly boy. Still wont eat anything, but drinking and peeing. He's just had blood tests to see if it's his liver or kidneys. Will get the results tomorrow night. xx"
Sunday 12th May: Billy still unwell with high temperature, going back to vets tomorrow again.
Saturday 11 May 2013 @ 14:12 NEWS JUST IN FROM ANGIE:
"Just back from the vets. Billy's temperature has stayed down, he seems a bit more with it, but still somber, and feeling sorry for himself. Hasn't eaten now for nearly 4 days, but i just offered him a bit of toast and he took it! He turned his nose up at chicken, ham and yoghurt this morning. I've got to check his temperature every 2 hours and call the vet if it goes up. Hes has 2 jabs now to bring it down which last for 24 hours and he can only have one more, so keeping everything crossed xx"
Tonight (Friday 10th May): Poor Billy has been poorly again today. Angie took him back to the vets. His temperature is back up to 40, he won't eat anything & is looking very sorry for himself. He has had three more injections & Angie has to check his temperature every two hours.
She has been told if she puts alcohol on his feet it helps to cool dogs down. He has the fan on him & Angie has wet his feet with alcohol. He ate a tiny bit of chicken ... and it WAS very tiny.
Thursday 9th May, morning): Angie took Billy to the vets who kept him in. His temperature was 40, he was in pain, had diarrhea & sickness. He had a scan then an x-ray.
Thursday 9th May, afternoon : The vet rang to say Angie could collect him at 7pm as his temperature had normalised. The vet said Billy has gastroenteritus. He had a yogurt on vet's orders & Angie was told only to him him chicken & rice for three days.
Wednesday 8th May: he was being sick & had diarrhea.
Tuesday 7th May: Billy was a bit off colour, not his usual self.
Poor Billy, we are all very worried about him.
Billy was one of 5 new born pups found in a plastic bag which had some kind of ammonia substance in it. Billy was the runt yet was the only survivor.
He was adopted by Angie Mccready at 4 months old & is now 8 years old. Angie fosters dogs & has kept ten over a few years. Please take a look at this post that I did.
Billy is adorable, a huge, soft, gentle giant .... everyone falls in love with him.
If YOU pray please add Billy to YOUR prayers. That would be very much appreciated.