Last Hope Dog Rescue, Torremendo, Alicante.
Friday, August 22, 2014

Last Hope Dog Rescue, Torremendo, Alicante. Rehoming dogs from the Alicante province and the Murcia area who have been abandoned from the homes they loved to the love in your home.
Steve and Irene are trying to do all they can with putting dogs in foster homes to be assessed then getting them rehomed in Spain and abroad. They are really successful in Spain which is better for the dogs.
Irene's passion is Podencos, she wants to help raise awareness for The Great Forgotten then hopefully the next generation will look at Podencos differently.
So far this year alone over thirty dogs have been re homed, not a lot to some but thirty that would have been dead or God know where otherwise.
They work alongside others also with Murcia perrera, Alicante protectora, Torrevieja perrera and some Spanish groups also.
Please look at their Facebook page & 'like' them, they'll appreciate more support.
Below: Some of the dogs needing a home.

Every little helps so spare something to help these good people care they do .. for the dogs they have, please.

Published at 10:19 AM Comments (9)