Pol is living in a dark garage ... can you offer him a loving home please?
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
16th March: Pol is very nervous of large male dogs, he needs a home without these.
This is Pol, he was found wandering 3 months ago and rescued by a kind Spanish lady, she has tried everything she could think of to find him a home.

The poor dog has been living in her dark garage for the last 3 months as she has nowhere for him to go, she works all day and he is on his own most of the time.
He is a medium sized dog 12-15 kg. He is 19 inches from floor to shoulder & 21 inches from shoulder to base of tail. He is young about 1 year and seems sweet natured. He desperately needs to find somewhere to go.
We are going to have him castrated & get him ready to travel. He is very friendly, he wants to play, he's good with children & female dogs. He is well behaved in the house.
He is in Chella, 40mins inland from Gandia, and can be transported. Urgent.
Contact Rosemary MacDonald Email lewisinspain@hotmail.com Tel: 962 922 234
Published at 8:31 PM Comments (0)
Boris & Bitouck's owner went into hospital & passed away. They are currently in Orxta kennels near Villajoyosa, wondering why their master hasn't come for them
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Can someone offer these two gorgeous 7 yr old dogs a loving home. They went into Boarding Kennels in Orxta, by Villajoyosa, near Alicante, while their owner went into hospital to have an operation. Sadly their owner passed away in hospital, and now this gorgeous brother and sister are still sitting in the Kennels waiting for their loving owner who will now never come & are sad.
They are called Boris & Bitouck, both are spayed & neutered & they both have passports
If you are interested in viewing these two lovely dogs, they can be separated but obviously would love to stay together, please ring the Boarding Kennels on 0034 660161712 and speak to Ton or Connie, who are the kennels owners. Email address is co.klei@telefonica.net

Published at 4:38 PM Comments (0)
Alvaro, the sweetest 8 month old pup (originally from Hellin killing station) needs a home urgently, his previous one fell through, sadly.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Poor Alvaro, now 8 months old, from Hellin killing station, had a home but, sadly, circumstances have changed and we now need another home for him. He is a good boy with no issues at all. Please can someone offer him a home....he cannot go back to a pound.
BELOW: Here he is when he was in Hellin pound.

BELOW: And now...

He is really the sweetest happiest little dog who just wants desperately to be loved, & played with.
Alvaro is not a large dog, maybe the photo makes him look bigger than he really is - he is smaller even than medium size - not sure if he is fully grown but he certainly is only a small dog currently & likely not to grow more.
He has his passport, he is chipped & vaccinated but not castrated. Currently in Orihuela Costa, south of Torrevieja.
Email Jo Worton
Published at 3:53 PM Comments (0)
Nena, Nala, Ulises & Caramelo are in Hellin, a killing station.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Nena, Nala, Ulises & Caramelo are in Hellin, a killing station in Albacete.
They are all looking for loving homes, can you search your hearts & offer them a home, please?
Below: Nala is 5 months old.

Below: Nena is 6 years old.

Below: Ulises is a 2 yr old red setter. He was found thirsty & skinny. He is very, very affectionate.

Below: Caramelo, 3 yrs old.

Please contact Becky on beckysweetman5@hotmail.com 965 698 052
Published at 2:45 PM Comments (0)
Two black spaniels, a brother & sister, Blackie & Sarah, in a rescue centre in Granada, need homes, preferably together.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Two black spaniels, a brother & sister, Blackie & Sarah, are in a rescue centre in Granada.
They need homes, preferably together.
Their owner has had to be hospitalised & the shelter has too many other dogs there & cannot cope so it's a desperate situation.
They are both two years old,. nice character, playful and very healthy. Both are good with children - the family had a grandchild - & good with other dogs & cats. They are passported, vaccinated & chipped too. They will cost 60€ each to be released from the rescue shelter.
You can contact Julie on urnellasultan@gmail.com , she is in Spain & will liase with the shelter or Rosaly on rtorves@gmail.com

Published at 9:03 PM Comments (0)
However can anyone resist gentle Tomas, 6 years old & in a cold kennel waiting patiently for a cosy home & love
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Tomas is a big dog. He is a rough looking dog who has a deformed front paw. Gentle nature. Likes to sit around a lot! About 6 years old . He is lovely...does not belong in a cold kennel. He just needs a warm fire to lay in front of.
He couldn't chase a cat if he tried. A little arthritic to run but can wander about slowly. A real friendly and harmless boy.
He will be castrated before homed. He would have a leish test and a full health check.
He is with Colin Buck at Hovar Rescue, Hondon de Nieves.
Contact Colin on 0034 676 558 432. You can email sam@speedwayhire.co.uk who will advise further too.
We can transport him anywhere.

Published at 4:27 PM Comments (0)
Tessa and Zura, sisters, 5 months old are currently in Hellin, a killing station & due to be put to sleep on 11th February
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
27th February UPDATE: Now out of Hellin & doing well.
Both girls arrived safe and sound they are in very good condition, clean and very friendly. The Perrera sent them with a passport all their vaccines microchip and a supply of medication. They are now with Janette Lopez and her team at Finca La Castellana and they will be re-tested for Leishmania in the next couple of days.

A lady has been found who will foster these girls and rehome them!!!! She knows all about Leishmania and her son in law is a vet! They will live in a home with lots of land and will have lots of love!!!
Hellin - the killing station - have even agreed to transport them! What lovely people there are out there to give these girls the chance they needed!
They will be retested & will commence a months treatment programme with Milterforan for the Leishmania. This attacks the virus very hard & the lady has used it on other dogs who are now negative for Leish. These girls are so young they have a very good chance.

Tessa and Zura are sisters, only 5 months old, & currently in Hellin, a killing station where they are due to be put to sleep on 11th February. REPRIEVED FOR A WHILE!
Many of us are committed to rescuing them & rehoming them. BUT we can't get them out of Hellin without a home to go to.
They both have Leish (caused by being bitten by a sand fly) which, in such young dogs, should not pose problems but they will require medication. Becky will pay for 6 months medication if someone will give them a chance. In Spain this medication is very cheap.
21st FEBRUARY: Although they have both been tested positive for Leish their internal organs have not been affected. Both are on medication & sadly, still in the pound.
They can be transported to UK/Germany/Holland & Belgium as well as Spain.

Email beckysweetman5@hotmail.com 0034 965 698 052
Published at 3:07 PM Comments (0)
Adorable & totally irresistible black female Pointer x puppies still need loving homes
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
I wrote about 12 of this family on 14th January 
I then updated it on 24th January about six 
Homes for the remaining four black females, who have been fostered with Lynn, are really urgently needed.
Please contact her on email lynnmargstretton@hotmail.com or ring her on 637 248 011
The puppies are in Al faz del Pi, near Benidorm. No release fee...just need homes
5th February: The 4th black female has been adopted this afternoon. 
6th February: Belle homed! 
15TH FEBRUARY: ONLY FLOSSY LEFT, NOW 9-10 WEEKS OLD. NEW PHOTO AT BOTTOM OF PAGE. She's such a lovely playful girl. ... Flossy will be medium when fully grown ... Loves other dogs and cats


Published at 4:16 PM Comments (0)
Jakki, a 8 yr old black cocker spaniel missing from Cuevas de Pagan near Fuente Alamo, Murcia since April 2012
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Jakki has been missing since April 24th 2012 from Cuevas de Pagan near Fuente Alamo, Murcia. She is black with a white bib area on her chest & was wearing a pink collar. She is small, in that she was between 9/10Kgs when she went missing or was stolen.
She will be 9 years old on April 1st 2013 & is chipped & spayed & really friendly.
Please contact me, mpebody@hotmail.co.uk I am on 662 350 722

Published at 8:11 PM Comments (0)
LOST/STOLEN in Baza, Granada on December 3rd, 2012: A spayed & microchipped 2 yr old English Setter called DAPPY
Sunday, February 3, 2013
We are looking for our pet English Setter, DAPPY. She is 2 years old & spayed & was lost/stolen from our garden in Baza, GRANADA on December 3rd, 2012.
She is positive for Leishmania and needs medication. Dappy is black, grey & white English setter, very friendly. Microchipped.
Reward offered.
I am sure someone must have taken her, she would bounce up to anyone. She would never go far but trusts everybody so I'm guessing someone has her or has sold her on. She looks the perfect hunting dog or perfect for breeding although she has been spayed but they won't know as there is no scar. She will very soon start to show signs of Leish again, one being she has a tumour on her front claw bed which may be looking angry once more.
Please contact me, Pat Anderson, on 638 553 909
Published at 5:39 PM Comments (1)
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