Missing since 15th September: German Shepherd & labrador from Partida Daimes, Elche area.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013 @ 11:23 AM
Missing since 15th of September......
Lola, female, German sheppard, is now 8/9 months, no chip.
Pucky, male mix Labrador 6 years old, chipped.
Both escaped from garden in Partida Daimes, Elche, between La Hoya, Dolores, La Marina Village...still no sign... they did not wear a collar on the night they escaped... it's like they are on a honeymoon or something, they absolutely love each other.
I have had them 6 weeks and was really happy with them but they love to go for a run..neither of them returned to former owners place.
Please if you have seen them, or know where they are give me a call on 633397060, Thank you!!!

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